Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Boys will be Boys...

So yesterday, Oakley came in my room and said. Mommy my nose. I told him to quit picking it and he would not stop... He came back a minute later and said Mommy my nose hurts. I looked at him and it and saw something white. This is what was in there.. He is such a stinker. I had to have my dad hold him down while I pulled it out with tweazers... He is just like Tyson.. Ty at this age did the same thing with candy... just like uncle Ty!

He would not let me take a picture of him, so this is the best that I got!


M&M-Maloy said...

That's pretty funny, Tell him if he keeps picking his nose his finger will look like Laurel's!! :o) That will make him stop.

Love you guys, Marcie

Bill & Ellen Thompson said...

That is so funny Tiffany! I'm sure at the moment it wasn't too funny, but now that the thing is out and all is well, we can laugh! I think you have adorable kids!!

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