Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Yearbook pictures!

Okay, So Brittney was doing this on Myspace and I thought that I would do a couple! Here is the picture taken in 2008.... and here are the years and what they said I would look like!



2000haha this is the year I graduated! nothing like it at all...
Here is the link if you would like to try!


Brittney said...

im totally diggin the 1968 one....LOL!!

The Hancock Fam said...

Hey jerk! Where's the link for my blog on your page!? LOL. Anyway- I saw Ashley's blog about the baby stuff.. is she getting a shower? Just curious- I'd feel bad if she didn't, but I know your fam is probably giving her one...?

Bill & Ellen Thompson said...

This blog cracked me up. How funny to see your face in different hair styles. You are cute in all of them!!!

The Gulls said...

Those pictures are so funny.

JuliaCotten said...

You look really good in all those. That is to funny what you can put on your blog, I will have to do that on ours.

Julia Cotten

Check out my site!