Friday, October 26, 2007


When I think of the word Supermodel, I think of this song! I don't know why, but it just stands out!.. Yeah, I wanna be a supermodel! (not!) The supermodel's that are around now are too skinny and sick looking. I don't know why people think that they are so hot!~

I don't care what my teachers say
I'm gonna be a supermodel.
And Everyone is gonna dress like me,
wait and see

When I'm a supermodel

and my hair will shine like the sea.
Everyone will wanna look just like me


Cause I'm young and I'm hip, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young and I'm hip, and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I wish that I was like Tori Spelling,
with a car like hers and dad like hers.

And I show them how how it was done.
That be fun, that be fun.

And I write my schoolreport,
why I love my jeans, why I love my jeans.
And oh, on my lockerdoor its the coolest thing that you have ever seen.

Cause I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

I'm young and I'm hip and so beautiful,
I'm gonna be a supermodel

If I was to chose a supermodel, I would not chose someone that is way skinny, I would make sure that it is someone with a little meat on their bones! Sara Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy is my ideal supermodel. She is like the girl next door type.. Not to skinny but not to overweight..

1 comment:

Sean and Janet Eyring said...

Yeah, the supermodels these days are all pathetically scrawny looking, not at all attractive.
But back in the day....Cindy Crawford got my vote......except what was that thing on her face?

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