Friday, April 4, 2008

Oakely Robert

1.age: almost 2... (one more month!)

2.Name? Oakley Robert

3. birthday? May 22

4. time of birth? 5:26pm

5. how long did labor last? I was induced at 10am had him 7 1/2 hours later!

6. who was in the room when baby was born? Mike, My Mom, Mike's Mom, a bunch of nurses with a big RED box, the pediatrician and much more!!

7. how long did u push? 26 minutes!

8. weight? 7lbs. 12 oz.

9. length? 20 1/2 inches

10. any hair? yes... dark black!

11. Who does baby look like? Tyson! (um.. my little brother! He is like his twin it is scary!)

12. Be much weight did u gain while pregnant? I swear like 50 lbs.

13. Was baby early or late? one week early!

14. who drove u home from hospital? I drove... I went and picked Mike up from work.

15. how many baby showers did u have? 0

16.How old was baby when he started sleeping through the night? When he was a couple months old...

17. did you breastfeed? Yes for a couple weeks.

18. If not, what kind of formula ? Enfamil

19. Who keeps your baby the most? now... I do...

20. When do u want to have another? ugh.. another one! I have two... no kidding, I do want more but I have to have a spouse before I can have another one!(same as with Harley's!)

21. How did u pick the name? We actually thought that Oakley would be a girl. I had a girl named picked out... The day that I went and had an ultrasound and was told it was a boy... we went and bought a baby name book.. All the names that I liked Mike hated and the ones that he liked I did not care for. (all the names we would say were people that we did not like) So I was just flipping through the name book and Oakley kept on catching my eye! Robert is my dads name.

22. How did you know when it was time to go to hospital? I had my inducement scheduled. I just had to sit and wait for the hospital to call me...

23. Who drove you there? Me

24. Did you go home or somewhere else when you left the hospital? We stayed at Mikes parents house. They were on vacation and we had already told them that we would house sit for them.

25. Did anyone spend the night with you your first night home? Mike and Harley

1 comment:

DAJP said...

Hey Tiffany, Its Amber Shelley (Pendleton)! How's everything going for you? I haven't seen or talked to you forever. I was so excited to find out there was this Class of 2000 Blog. Anyway, your kids are adorable. Hope we can keep in touch.

Check out my site!